Monday, October 22, 2012

3 Top Natural Drugs for Eradicating the Dog’s Fleas

1. Apple Cider Vineger

Many benefits can be provided by Apple Cider Vineger for humans. For animals also. But for now the focus is for the dog’s fleas. Apple Cider Vineger can be powerful enough to eradicate the dog’s fleas. You simply rub it with sponge into the skin or dog’s fur and let it for a few minute. Apple Cider Vineger can also remove any residual soap after bathing your dog and making smooth and healthy your dog’s fur in orger not to experience the hair loss.

2. Lavender Oli

Lavender oil, or in Latin language is called Augustifolia Lavendula or Lavendula Officinalis is a therapy oil, and everybody will agree with that. The using of lavender oil about 2-5 drops to the place of your activity will make relax and refreshing effects. This also applied for dogs. The using of Lavender Oil for preventing the dog’s fleas is one of a good alternative. Not only that, the dogs which is given the Lavender aroma around it will reduce stress so it is suitable to use in a car when you bring your dog for a walk. For preventing the dog’s fleas, you only use as much as 10-15 drops of lavender oil with a mixture of water and then spray to the fur. Lavender oil can also relieve itching because of fleas bytes on dogs. For that, when you spray the lavender oil, make sure it will be exposed to the layer of skins.

3. Neem Oil

Neem oil is cpme from the Neem tree or Azadirachta Indica which has relative of mahogany tree. Many Neem trees grow in India, where the people have a great respect for the healing power of that Neem. Ancient Indian texts called “the healing of all ills”. The study shows that neem is an antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. For this reason, the Neem Oil is powerful enough to fight mosquitoes and fleas. Neem oil almost has no side effects for dogs, but the aroma of Neem oil is really pungent so the mosquitoes cannot get closer. Neem oil works by absorbing into the dog’s skin so the fleas cannot afford to suck the dog’s blood and the dog will be free from fleas. How to use is very simple. Only apply the neem oil to the whole parts of dog’s body such including ears, armpits, neck, and the most popular parts for fleas.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prevent Your Dog Hair Loss Right Now!

Having a dog is a pleasure at home, we can play and relieve stress with the dog. But you should also be aware the risk, the dog’s fur will stick everywhere, including the clothes you wear. If it happens you would be overwhelmed to clean it especially if the dog’s fur stuck to the sofa and other fabrics. Not to mention, there is a problem with your guests who are allergic to dogs. Certainly not fun is it? Well, to solve that problem, you see the simple tips to take care your dog's fur in order not to stick everywhere.

Trim with Comb: the dog’s fur is generally the same as a human hair, they are easily tangled and eventually fall out, solving the problem you simply brush your dog's fur every day. Use a special brush for dog’s fur. Brushing your dog's hair every day to make your dog's fur is getting stronger.

Spray with an anti-static spray: Hot weather tends to make the dog's fur becomes dry and unruly. Dog hair will stand like it expands, if your dog is experiencing this problem, you just use an anti-static spray. Brush back your dog’s fur to make it neat again

Remove the damaged follicles: Use your fingers to pull out the hair follicles which are damaged when you brush your dog's fur. This method is powerful enough to overcome the excessive hair loss and no longer stuck to your property.

Use rubber gloves: This method can be fairly practical to select the dog’s fur which falling out. You simply rub your hands to the dog’s fur which using the rubber gloves first, the fall out fur by itself would be lifted.

Use moisturizing shampoos: To keep the dog’s fur healthy and do not fall out, use a shampoo which contains moisturizing, so that the skin and fur is easily organized and healthy.

Caring for a dog is the responsibility of the owner. So, it's time for you to make this passage as a reference treatment of your pet dog. Good luck!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Beware of Lyme Diseases Which Transmitted by Your Pets

Lyme Diseases is one type of infectious disease for human and animal with intermediate (vector) in the form of flea. The disease is named Lyme from the word of Old Lyme, one of the cities in Connecticut where the case was discovered. The disease is caused by Borrelia Burgdoferi, bacteria from the class of Spirochetes, and widely diffused by the Ixodes Scapularis flea. The fleas are commonly suck the blood of birds, pets, wild animals, and also human.

The early symptom of the disease with the appearance of large red spot on the skin, commonly occur on the thigh, buttocks, area which covered by shorts or armpits. These spots will be widened until a diameter of 15cm. The other physical symptoms such as fatigue, chills and fever, headache, neck stiffness, and pains in muscle and joint, back pain, nausea and vomiting, pain throat, the swollen of lymph nodes and enlarged spleen. Although all the symptoms are intermittent, but malaise and fatigue may persists for weeks.

This disease can lead to the long-term for patients, within few months after infected, will be occur the nerve dysfunction in approximately 15% of patients. But however, the disease can be cured at all. The most common problem is brain lining infection (meningitis), which causes the neck stiffness, headache, facial nerve inflammation, and half facial paralysis. The paralysis also can occur in other area. In 8% of patients, occurring the cardiac abnormalities (arrhythmias and perricarditis). Pericarditis can cause chest pain.

Prevention Ways to The Pets

1. If the pets are infected to the bacteria, will show the loss of appetite, lethargy and fever. So, check your pets to your veterinarian because there is a vaccine that available to treat the Lyme Diseases for dogs but not available for cats.

2. Familiarize your pets to be checked every day from fleas. Other way to prevent the Lyme Diseases for cat is to spray them with parasites spray with permethrin regularly.

3. Lifting the fleas from your pets with tweezers. Use the circular motion to lift the fleas and avoid the jerking movements. The jerking movements can leave the flea’s head in your pet’s skin layers and can cause abscesses.

4. Bathing your dog after walk in the yard, use the medicated shampoo which formulated to kill and remove fleas. Brush your dog’s fur with a wire brush to remove and expose the flea. Remove the fleas that you find immediately. Avoid direct contact with the flea. Use a rubber glove to protect your hands. Clean your dog everyday to remove the flea which likes to hide under the fur.

5. Avoiding the area which the fleas get to thrive is the best way to avoid the Lyme Diseases to your pets.

Handling Ways for Human Who Infected By Lyme Diseases


Although all stages of Lyme Diseases give responds to anthibiotics, but the treatment in the early stage is the best to help preventing complications. Anthibiotics such as doxycycline, amoxicillin, penicillin or erythromycin can be given orally (by mouth) during the early stage of the diseases. Giving intravenously (through a vein) do to the patients in advance stage disease, severe or persistent. Anthibiotics can also reduce arthritis, although required the treatment for more than 3 weeks. To reduce pain in the swollen joints can be given aspirin or non-steroidal of anti-inflammatory medicine.

The liquid which collected in joints can be drained or removed and the patients can be helped by a crutch.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Some Techniques Keeping Good Dry Dog’s Food

Store the pet’s food also needs accuracy, never let your beloved pets get poisoned because of the food that they consume every day. Get used to put food on the dry places with a stable room’s temperature. You also can utilize the dog’s dry food storage to overcome your problems. This is very important.

What to do:

1. Dog food that you buy only last a maximum of 6 weeks since the time you open the packaging. 
“Used By” only applies for the packaging that has never been opened and still sealed. Survival ability of the nutrients in the food that has been opened only for 6 weeks. In order to remind you when the first time you open the packaging, you can write with a marker the maximum time limit (6 weeks).

2. It’s not suggested to place the dog food into another container. 
It’s useful to protect the dog’s food grain from oxygen and moisture. Should be better if place in the original packaging. You can place the original packaging into the airtight container. 

• Original packaging of dog’s food can protect dog’s food from oxygen and moisture. Premium dog food companies also use quality packaging, including the use of anti-oxygen packaging that made from petroleum.

• After you feed your dog, vacuum the air in the packaging with squeezing the packs so that no air is left in the packaging. Seal again by folding back the open part of the packaging over and over and tie with rubber.

• Original packaging of dog’s food contains barcode, batch code and expired date. This is to identify dog food batch that eat by your dog. So, if there is a recall of your dog food, you can complain.

3. Store the dog food should be in a dry place. 
You are not suggested to store the dog food in the goods storage cabinets because the temperature is quite moisture. Better to keep the dog food should be stored in the temperature less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celcius. With less than 15% moisture. Avoid keeping the dog food in the changes temperature and can cause condensation. The best place to keep dog food is in the air-conditioned room because the temperature is more stable and dry.

4. Beware storing the dog food into the refrigerator. 
You have to be aware when laying the dry dog food in the refrigerator. The refrigerator can cause the dog food becomes moisture when place outdoors. It’s better to take in enough amount and don’t let it longer outside the refrigerator and dog food should be spent soon. The airtight container is the best solutions to overcome them. You can take enough food for your dog.

5. Wash the food container as often as possible. 
The leftover foods could contaminate the new food. To avoid this, wash the dog food container with mild detergent and very hot water. After washing, make sure that the container is really dry, and may be filled with the new dog food.

6. It it’s serious, the dog food containers should be made from glasses or stainless steel. 
Plastic materials are not suggested. Metal and glasses material are more effective to avoid oxygen and prevent dog food’s moisture. Better, choose the dog food’s container in the form of glasses or stainless steel than plastic materials. Glass and metal materials are more effective to prevent oxygen and moisture. Plastic materials are not effective for a long period of time. Oxygen is absorbed from the wall of polyethylene in the container.

7. Put the food into the dog food dispenser. 
The dog food dispenser could be not useful for dog food, so do not let the dog food stay too long in the dog food dispenser in order to make the function working. Wash the dog food dispenser after the food is meal-out. After washing, fill with the new food.

Don’t do these:

1. Don’t buy dog food with artificial preservatives. Dog foods with artificial preservative certainly have excellence in endurance when stored. Nevertheless artificial preservative have more serious bad effects.

2. Avoid pouring the dog food directly to the storage container. This thing often happens and quite dangerous!

• The bottom parts of storage containers left the rest of fats and oils. It can be smelled rancid and contaminated the new dog food.

• Plastic if use for a long time can release certain chemicals that can absorbed into the dog food.

• This could be increase the risk developing of fleas, fungus, and bacterial contaminations that can caused the food poisoning, vomiting, and/or the worst diarrhea.

3. Avoid opening the packaging of dry dog food for too long in the heat temperature or under the sunshine. It can caused the growth of fungus and fat become rotten if the dry dog food exposed to the water such as the wet kitchen floor and dripping water, immediately throw away the dog food.

4. Never forced to give the dog food that has color changed and smell to your dog. Immediately return it to the place where you buy.

5. Never ever buy the dog food in large amount or dog snack in opened storage! It’s so dangerous because there’s no guarantee if the things you buy still hygienic or not anymore. The dog food such this has a risk of fungus and bacterial contaminated, lack of nutrition, fleas, etc.

6. Keep away the dog food from fleas or other pests. Dog always have allergic to fleas. Fleas commonly thrive to the dry dog food that contains wheat. One of the fleas which often find is “‘tyrophagus putrscentiae”, or fungal infestation. The fungal infestation commonly breeds in the place that has high humidity.

7. Keep away the dog dispenser from the floor. For safety, dog food dispenser covers with wood because direct contact with the floor can caused the dog food become moist.

Saving Ways To Keep Our Pets

Have a pet is not always identical with expensive cost, if we clever in setting and arrange their needed. Your money will not be wasted to take care of your pet. Actually, we just have to keep the basic needed and make it routines for your pet. According to drh. Dwi Susanto from epidemiology laboratory of veterinary public health, Bogor Faculty of Agriculture, you have to place your pets needed as well as possible. Here are the ways:

Control to your veterinarian

Schedule : Doing once a year.

Purpose  : Checking the overall health of your pets, such as fleas and worms. You can also ask to sterilize your pet if you don’t want them to breed.

Saving Tricks :

 Actually, breeding pets are the right choice because more immune to the disease. Suggestions from Louise Murray, the veterinarian, medical director of ASPCA Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital, also the writer’s book of Vet Confidential: An Insider’s Guide to Protect Your Pet’s Health.

 Brushing your pet’s teeth is very important. Bigger parts of the disease can be plague because of the teeth and gum problems.

 Bad effects of cigarettes smoke also influence the pets. The particles which turn out from the cigarettes can be attached to the fur, and inhaled by animals. Especially for the cats. Our beloved pets will susceptible to asthma, lymphoma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. 


Schedule : Doing once a month

Purpose : Look beautiful also applies to pets. The pets better always look clean for the health and appearance. The treatments cover from heads until foot such as cutting nails, bathing, and managing their feathers. The grooming habits actually have already done naturally to the pets especially cats. But for the pet lovers, that thing is definitely not enough. There are the ways to save the treatments.

Saving Tricks :

 Grooming can do yourself at home, but you have to prepare the tool that needed such as cutting nails, shampoo, and scissors. If you have already understood how to use it, you can practice to your pet.

 Clean the head until tail, and feet, ears, eyes, armpits and crotch. Never forget to cut the nails and have the long fur around the foot and ear hole.

 Better use the special shampoo that is hypoallergenic. Then, wipe gently.

 Comb your pet’s fur ever day with special scissors, to avoid wrinkles and moist. This is done so your pet’s fur will not wrinkle and moist so we are difficult to clean and can invite fungus, suggestions from Kathy Sazberg, the owner of the Village Groomer, Pet’s Supply in Walpole, Massachusetts.

Proper Nutrition and Food Portion

Schedule : Doing every day

Purpose : Maintain the health of your pets

Saving Tricks :

 Buying the food for pets are not necessarily expensive, now there are many dog foods which sell in an affordable price, with sufficient nutrition for your daily pet. Choose the food that suitable with your pet’s needed, because nowadays it has been available the pet’s food which has been adjusted with the age and the disease that suffered our pets.

 Brands also don’t always determine the containing of quality nutrition. It can be an expensive brands but not suitable for your pet’s needed. That’s why choose your pet’s food that has been guaranteed qualify. The things to avoid the domino effect that can cause such this, we have bought the expensive foods but the pets become ill and finally we will spend much money, said Gregory Hammer, DVM, the veterinarian from American Veterinary Medical Association.

 Use the dosage in the recommended dosage. Do not avoid the usage of excessive and too little, better based on the doctor’s instructions.


Schedule : As often as possible

Purpose : Pets are vulnerable to stress, it’s necessary to create the conditions as comfortable as possible. It can be applied by more often bring you pets playing, and better to do outdoor. It is related with the health and growth of your pets. The pets will be more active so can avoid the excessive of calories intake or obesity.

Saving Tricks :

 Many of us who bought animal toys for beloved pets in order to be more active and health. The pets are not concerned to the toys that they played. In fact, they prefer playing with simple things such as an empty box. Dogs and cats prefer playing with the objects that has round shape like roll of papers, rubber balls, wool, roll of socks or potted plants.


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