Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Saving Ways To Keep Our Pets

Have a pet is not always identical with expensive cost, if we clever in setting and arrange their needed. Your money will not be wasted to take care of your pet. Actually, we just have to keep the basic needed and make it routines for your pet. According to drh. Dwi Susanto from epidemiology laboratory of veterinary public health, Bogor Faculty of Agriculture, you have to place your pets needed as well as possible. Here are the ways:

Control to your veterinarian

Schedule : Doing once a year.

Purpose  : Checking the overall health of your pets, such as fleas and worms. You can also ask to sterilize your pet if you don’t want them to breed.

Saving Tricks :

 Actually, breeding pets are the right choice because more immune to the disease. Suggestions from Louise Murray, the veterinarian, medical director of ASPCA Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital, also the writer’s book of Vet Confidential: An Insider’s Guide to Protect Your Pet’s Health.

 Brushing your pet’s teeth is very important. Bigger parts of the disease can be plague because of the teeth and gum problems.

 Bad effects of cigarettes smoke also influence the pets. The particles which turn out from the cigarettes can be attached to the fur, and inhaled by animals. Especially for the cats. Our beloved pets will susceptible to asthma, lymphoma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. 


Schedule : Doing once a month

Purpose : Look beautiful also applies to pets. The pets better always look clean for the health and appearance. The treatments cover from heads until foot such as cutting nails, bathing, and managing their feathers. The grooming habits actually have already done naturally to the pets especially cats. But for the pet lovers, that thing is definitely not enough. There are the ways to save the treatments.

Saving Tricks :

 Grooming can do yourself at home, but you have to prepare the tool that needed such as cutting nails, shampoo, and scissors. If you have already understood how to use it, you can practice to your pet.

 Clean the head until tail, and feet, ears, eyes, armpits and crotch. Never forget to cut the nails and have the long fur around the foot and ear hole.

 Better use the special shampoo that is hypoallergenic. Then, wipe gently.

 Comb your pet’s fur ever day with special scissors, to avoid wrinkles and moist. This is done so your pet’s fur will not wrinkle and moist so we are difficult to clean and can invite fungus, suggestions from Kathy Sazberg, the owner of the Village Groomer, Pet’s Supply in Walpole, Massachusetts.

Proper Nutrition and Food Portion

Schedule : Doing every day

Purpose : Maintain the health of your pets

Saving Tricks :

 Buying the food for pets are not necessarily expensive, now there are many dog foods which sell in an affordable price, with sufficient nutrition for your daily pet. Choose the food that suitable with your pet’s needed, because nowadays it has been available the pet’s food which has been adjusted with the age and the disease that suffered our pets.

 Brands also don’t always determine the containing of quality nutrition. It can be an expensive brands but not suitable for your pet’s needed. That’s why choose your pet’s food that has been guaranteed qualify. The things to avoid the domino effect that can cause such this, we have bought the expensive foods but the pets become ill and finally we will spend much money, said Gregory Hammer, DVM, the veterinarian from American Veterinary Medical Association.

 Use the dosage in the recommended dosage. Do not avoid the usage of excessive and too little, better based on the doctor’s instructions.


Schedule : As often as possible

Purpose : Pets are vulnerable to stress, it’s necessary to create the conditions as comfortable as possible. It can be applied by more often bring you pets playing, and better to do outdoor. It is related with the health and growth of your pets. The pets will be more active so can avoid the excessive of calories intake or obesity.

Saving Tricks :

 Many of us who bought animal toys for beloved pets in order to be more active and health. The pets are not concerned to the toys that they played. In fact, they prefer playing with simple things such as an empty box. Dogs and cats prefer playing with the objects that has round shape like roll of papers, rubber balls, wool, roll of socks or potted plants.

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