Thursday, September 20, 2012

Some Tricks To Eradicate The Dog’s Fleas

Fleas is an annoying and dangerous parasites. Fleas are in small to very small size, and include as a class of anthropods, has a kinship with spiders. The flea can perch and spread various kinds of dangerous diseases to some animals, including your pet’s dog. The flea sucks the blood of its host and commonly found in the warm and damp places, such as animal cages, carpets, chairs, and beds. The flea can be divided into three kinds, they are fleas, ticks, and mites. Type of flea that often attack dogs and cats are type of flea. Meanwhile, if we view from the species, the flea that most commonly found in a dogs is the brown flea or often called the red flea (Rhipicephalus Sanguineus Latreille ). Suitable with its name, the brown flea commonly choose a dogs as its host, but can also perch in other number of mammals.

The flea eggs will hatch about 2-5 weeks depending on the surrounding temperature and humadity. The flea larvae that has microscopic size, then will look for the host to suck its blood almost about one week, and then leave the host to transform into nymphs. The Eggs, larvae, and nymphs of flea have a very small size, and almost cannot be detected with naked eyes. The dogs which infest by a flea will feel itching and potentially to have skin irritation. Some species if fleas can also infect humans. That’s why, you have to be extra careful when handling the flea.

Finding and removing the animal’s fleas

You need to be consider is, the dogs cannot remove their own flea from the only just by scratching, because the flea commonly perched in the body area that difficult to reach, such as face, ears, skin folds around the elbow, down the neck, stomach and between the fingers feet. So, you have to do detection and removal the fleas carefully. Make sure that you touch the dog’s skin surface constantly and gentle. When you find a lump, immediately check it by removing the fur around it and look for the cause, whether because of the flea or some skin disease. If you find the flea on the dog’s skin surface, immediately remove it using the pointy toes tongs ( tweezer ). Slowly clip with a tweezer and pull away from the dog’s skin surface carefully. Make sure the flea’s head also pull away. Place the flea into the sealed container, and report to your veterinarian. Ask if this type of flea can cause an illness, and check if your dog has been infected the disease.

Preventing the animal’s fleas

You have to know that the animal’s flea will choose to perch on the dog’s body that has the low system immune. Besides that, make sure that you always clean up the house and cages environment, then spraying with the disinfectant for flea. Separate the healthy dog with the infested one, and do the following steps :

1.Anti-flea powder

Should be use before bed time. Better if the powder that sticks on the bed should be let so that the flea will be left the nest. Do routine everyday if the flea has become the plague. For the treatment, use the powder at least once in a week.

2. Anti-flea shampoo

Anti-flea shampoo is suitable use for puppies. Besides being able to remove the fleas, anti-flea shampoo also make the dog become clean.

3. Ivermectin Injection

Many people think the ivermectin injection is an anti-fungal injection. Actually, ivermectin injection cannot eradicate the fungus, but for eradicate worms and ectoparasites such as lice ( fleas, ticks, mites )

4. Drops and spray medicine

There are so many anti-flea drops and spray medicines which is sold in the pet’s store. This medicine is not recommended for the dog under the age of 2 months.

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